Club Launches
You're finally getting off the ground with rocketry, and you're all ready to fly. But where?
That's where we come in! We organise launches periodically in Northern Ireland to allow you the chance to come together with other rocketeers and fly. By handling as much of the legal framework as possible, we have set out to make it as easy as possible for you to get the rocket out to the pad.
And that doesn't even begin to show the incredible benefit of meeting with other rocketeers to trade ideas, brainstorm, learn and laugh from incredible experiences!
Before the launch day
There are a couple of admin tasks that still need to be done before you arrive on the day, so that we can be prepared and make sure you can get a rocket in the sky.
- Make sure BMFA insurance is up to date - we use BMFA as our insurance provider for rocketry, and cannot accept any other insurers at this time. It is essential to have insurance: you will not be permitted to fly without it.
- Confirm that your rocket can be launched from our facilities - see list of launch pads at the bottom of this page.
- Fill in the launch request form so we know that you'll be coming - You must register before the day of the launch
Launch Day
- Make sure you have your pre-launch checklists to prevent errors
- Arrive with plenty of time to spare, as there can always be delays and you want to make sure you can launch
- Let us know when you arrive so we can ensure everyone's safety
- Fly high!
Launch Facilities
We appreciate that we do not have a large number of pads or launch rods/rails/towers at the present time. This is due to the club being recently founded, and we are working on obtaining more. Please do get in touch if you require a particular launch system and we'll see what we can do.
We provide a launch controller and wiring for igniters
- 1x Launch Rail - 3030 profile, 3 metres long. Suitable for rockets up to L1 HPR