
We now offer membership with Ulster Rocketry!

3 model rockets sitting on pads with a small crowd standing at a distance to the right


What are the benefits you get with membership?
Members get half price on all launch fees at our events, become part of the rocketry community, and get access to the Ulster Rocketry Discord server, where you can discuss rocketry with other like-minded people.

As a non-profit organisation, any money that comes from membership will be used to invest in better launching equipment for you, and to help grow rocketry within the community.


Launch Prices

Launch Fee Non-Member Member
Low Power £10 £5
Mid Power £20 £10
High Power £40 £20

Membership Prices

Membership Type Annual Cost
Adult £40
Student £30
Junior £20

There are also two special membership options for applicable organisations. We have a special membership for teams competing in UKROC that gives them UR membership, along with being able to attend and launch up to 3 rockets at the UKROC scrimmage, for only £30. This covers one team, and permits the launching of their UKROC rocket (i.e. Does not cover individual members of the team to fly their own rockets).

We also have a special membership option for universities. This group discount allows a university team to obtain 6 memberships for only £100, with full membership for each of the students (permitting them to launch both team and their own rockets). Additional memberships can be added for only £15 each.

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